At the end of Bangla

January was a good month, a really good month.

The ministry that we did in the bars and on the streets off Bangla Road was incredible. Some nights were hard & heavy, some nights were light & fun, but every night was full of hope.


The very fist night we went to Bangla as a group we struck up a conversation with a Swedish girl named Regina that was promoting a nightclub. After we told her what we were doing we asked if she wanted prayer and she said yes. Not only did she want us to pray for her, but she also wanted us to stand in a circle holding hands and then pray for her. That is quite a bold move in a place that is anything but Christian, and it didn’t stop there. Regina also wanted all of her friends to receive prayer as well, so we stood in that circle and prayed for one friend after the other. It’s almost comical if you can really picture this all happening.


That night really set the precedent for the month. We danced, we sang, we shouted, we ran, and we walked up & down Bangla Road, but most of all we boldly proclaimed Jesus’ name.


In our hearts and spirits we knew that our presence was making a difference on that road. We knew that God’s spirit was moving and he was reaching out to his kids that were caught in a very dark place.

But sometimes it was hard not to lose heart when we weren’t seeing any fruit and we were overwhelmed with all the evil.


Our last full week of ministry we all seemed to be a bit disheartened and so we asked God to show us fruit, to show us that our work was not being done in vein.


I stayed back that whole week and prayed with the rotating teams that were interceding for the girls who were out.

That Monday night we saw these clouds of light in the sky dancing and weaving in between the clouds and shooting from one part of the sky to another. We knew they could only be one thing, glory clouds. God’s glory was physically manifesting in the form of light.

So naturally we starting shouting and singing and praising Jesus and we asked him to send his glory over to Bangla Road. And just like that one of the clouds shoots off and disappeared into the distance.


When the girls came back from ministry that night they were covered in gold dust. Gold dust.

Gold dust on their faces, gold dust on their arms, gold dust on their hands.

This friends, is God’s glory physically manifesting.

And the best part is that it didn’t only happen Monday, but it happened every day that week.


This was God’s way of showing us that He is bigger, his glory is greater, and he is present in that place. Once you put that road in perspective with how big our God is, it doesn’t seem so overwhelming anymore.


Our last night ministering on Bangla we went to the beach at the end of the road and let off lanterns.

I am so thankful for what the Lord allowed me to be a part of in Phuket. It may not seem like we did much on Bangla Road, but we left a little hope and a whole lot of light in a very dark place. And even though I know I can’t save all the people I met there and I can’t heal them, I can let them go up to my dad who loves them more than I ever could and who can take care of them.

So I let them go, knowing that God’s glory is falling and his spirit is moving with or without me there.

He is always faithful.


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(c) 2024 Katie Emery