Stop and Smell the Roses

I’m not worried.

For one of the first times in my life, I’m really actually not worried.

Last week I had a minor melt down, just a little freak out about my life in general and whatever it is that’s coming next. But I was talking to one of my teammates, Kevin, about it and straight up he tells me that I’m making things up to be stressed about because I feel like I should be stressed out.
I’ll be the first to admit and my dad can vouch for me too, that I am a worrier. I worry and get stressed and let all my thoughts wind up so tight that sometimes I have little melt downs. That’s the way that its  always been, especially when it comes to making big decisions, I just worry.
But that’s not how it’s supposed to be.
The Lord offers us peace that surpasses all understanding.
In the midst of chaos, when were making big decisions, when things don’t go the way we expected them to- Jesus gives us peace.
It doesn’t make sense either.
It doesn’t make sense to have peace when the ground is pulled out from under you, or 25 kids are screaming and fighting all around you, or you’re trying to figure out what you’re going to be doing in the next season.
But friends, Jesus doesn’t really make sense, at least not by the worlds standards.
It wasn’t until Kevin said that that it really hit me, that the peace that I have, the peace that Jesus offers us doesn’t make sense to me either.
So here I am again, asking The Lord to take over and renew my mind. I’m choosing to receive the peace that I am being offered and let go of all the worry.
It’s funny really, because I should be worried- past June I have no idea what my life is going to look like and I’m supposed to be figuring out what I’m going to do with my life.
But here’s the thing, I know that God is faithful. I know that he will always come through and I will be exactly where I am supposed to be tomorrow and next week and next month.
So here I am, not worried at all, just dwelling in the presence of The Lord and in the plans that he has for me today. And let me tell you, it rocks, I never want to leave this place.
And it’s only now since I’ve begun to ‘stop and smell the roses’ that I’ve noticed how many roses that The Lord has planted along my path. He has hugs, conversations, and all kinds of surprises planned for me very single day.
And oh baby, is it good.


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(c) 2024 Katie Emery